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Laser acupuncture effect on fetal well-being during induction of labor​

Alsharnoubi J et al.



Labor induction with traditional drugs is sometimes associated with fetal complications as fetal distress or death. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of labor induction by laser acupuncture on fetal well-being in post-term pregnancy. Nulliparous women at 40 weeks or greater were randomized to sham laser group versus laser acupuncture group. Each session consisted of laser application on bilateral points LI 4, SP 6, BL 31, and BL 32. The study was conducted in Cairo University, National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences. Sixty nulliparous women were randomized into laser acupuncture group n = 30 and control group n = 30. Women were treated in both groups in three consecutive days in post-date pregnancy. Results (66.6 %) showed a significant difference in rate of normal vaginal delivery (NVD) between acupuncture group (50 %) and control group (50 %) (p = 0.002). There was no significant difference of enrollment delivery time between laser acupuncture and sham groups (p > 0.05). There were six cases of cesarean section (CS) due to no fetal movement with normal cardiotocography (CTG). Laser acupuncture has no effect on fetus, and its effect on fetal movement needs more investigations. Laser can induce labor if the cervical length is less than 1 cm and dilation (0). 

fonte: Lasers in Medical Science 2015.


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